Friday, November 11, 2011

Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers!

It’s been a while huh…? XD Well, I’ve been busy lately. It’s back to school again. ^_^

Go go power rangers! Oh the memories.. LSS (Last song syndrome) XD

Nostalgia! Damn it! This just makes me miss my childhood even more now.. (I feel like crying) My gosh. Don’t you just miss them? It’s been so long already! Whew! I’m just so happy I grew up in the 90’s. For me, the 90’s were the best, especially the TV shows. ;)

Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers was really the most epic show ever for kids, and even for adults during the 90’s. I remember watching every episode of it with my brothers and cousins. We would argue over which one of us is the pink ranger, the yellow ranger, black ranger, blue ranger, red ranger, and green ranger, and I would always tell them that I was the pink ranger. (LOL) Come on! Pink ranger or Kimberly was so cool! I’m straight, but I have to say, Amy Jo Johnson was hot. I think I might even had a girl crush on her.. ;) She kicked ass too! Hah! So yes. She was my favorite ranger on Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers. Other than the pink ranger, I also had a huge crush on Tommy, the green ranger (white ranger in the movie). Jason Frank = hot! He is so awesome! Way better than Jason, the red ranger in my opinion.. (To each his own) ^_^

I’ve also watched Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers: The Movie, and it became one of my favorite movies ever! My gosh.. I love watching the movie when I was a kid. The original power rangers were the best! Hands down. I do still watch the new Power Rangers on Cartoon Network, but it’s not as great or as epic as the original. (sigh) I wish I have a time machine to rewind back to my childhood days (the good times…) and relive the 90’s once more. Or…. I wish there will be a new Mighty Morphin Power Rangers movie in the near future that is as awesome as the original.. maybe by 2012. We’ll never know. Oh well. Till next time then. But just let me say this here: “It’s morphin’ time!”


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Chun Lee
I'm just someone who loves everything anime and games. As you can see, I'm quite a geek. LOL. I love traveling and trying out new things, and is such a hopeless romantic.. XD
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